Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Lesson 7: Hunting Horns Note Skipping

No new notes today.
Well done Hannah for super sentences based on Butterfly, alligator, goat, elephant, donkey

Illustration from BBC Ten Pieces Mozart Horn Concerto No 4

Listen to the piece here

More information here  on Mozart Horn Concerto

*****New Song 

Who's that yonder 
Who's that yonder dressed in red
Must be the children that old Moses led
Who's that yonder dressed in white
Must be the children of the Israelite 

 NJS Worksheet 7

Varying the tempo  Allegro Presto   Moderato Andante  Largo Adagio
1 Bill Was A Bandit Big Bad and Bold ….
     All thro’ April Rain Rain Wind and Rain
          Gilbert Goblin gob-led up a goat
                     Donkeys dither in the noon day sun
                               Elelphants Walk with an aw-ful bump
BAG Tunes  Hot Cross Buns    BAG_ BAG_ ggggaaaa  BAG_
                         Clair de Lune  GGGA B_ A_ GBAA G_ _  _
                         Joe Joe  see  NJS Task List 6
                        Merrily We Roll Along     BAGA BBB_ AAA_ BBB_ 
                                                                    BAGA BBBB AABA G_ _ _
         Skipping a  Note Exercise BGB_  BGB_   
                     Who’s That YonderBGBG BGB z B bbbaga BAG_
3   Frere Jacque Part 1  GABA     x4
                              Part 4  GDG_ GDG_  x4
4  Engine Song  ggeeggE  x4  Choo Choo  Try this at different speeds
              Fast – allegro   slow largo  medium –andante
5 Elephants E_ _     G_ _   E_ _   G_ _   ABA    GAG    E_ E G _ _
                      Hump Wump Hump Wump  elephants walk with an awful bump

 6 10 pieces Horn Concerto Mozart
A How many times does the main tune come round
B Concerto Can you find out what a ‘concerto’ is
C How many brass instruments can you name ______________________________________

D The music changes from major to minor after a 1.20 How does the mood change?

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Lesson 6 New Note D

Below are the practice tips for this week.
(Note  Stripy Cat Crawl on the agenda for next week. )

  ***New Note Low D     Can you play all five notes start with B  B A G    E D
                                                                                            1 2 3    2 3    
Double Bass Notes  Elephant Alligator Donkey Goat  
 Tick when you can

Play all 5 notes clearly –aim for a strong clear sound

Make up a sentence with these words
               Butterfly , alligator, goblin, elephant, donkey
Eg I saw a butter-fly on the win-dow pane Play each sentence on the appropriate note
   El-e-phants walk with an awful bump

Now play all your sentences one after another

BAG Tunes 1Play  Hot Cross Buns nice and smoothly  BAG_BAG_gggg aaaa BAG_

                    2 Play part 1 Frere Jacque   GABA

                    3 Play  Clair de la lune G G G A B_A_G B A A G_ _ _

                4 Joe Joe    G G aa A     bb aa gg G
                 bbbb aaA   bb aa gg G
                 aa gg bbA  bb aa  gg G

               5 Merrily we row BAGA BBB_  AAA_  BBB_
                                               BAGA BBBB AABA  G_ _ _

Bird sounds Make a sound like a cuckoo  G E GE GE
                      Make a trill sound  Try different fingers which is easiest?

Train Song ggee ggE ggee ggE  x 2 practice some choo choo sound s

Sight Reading Stripy Cat Crawl two notes**

Listening Piece Dance Macabre by Saint Saens Find out more about this composer . Think of spooky skeleton sounds

Can you pick out a rhythm What conducting pattern would you use 2, 3 or 4

Double Bass Leon Sorcha 

Monday, 3 November 2014

Lesson 5 Boats and Trains

3 Note BAG Tunes

Hot Cross Buns

B A G_ BAG_ ggggaaaa BA G_

Joe Joe  Question and Answer

Frere Jacque   GABG

 New Note E


Engine Engine No 9
Sing Clap Play