Monday, 27 January 2014

Away We Go: Rest and Play Lesson one at NJS

Greedy Dinosaurs Ate Everything

We had a very exciting day at the Friends Meeting House  as all the students in 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes began the new NJS String  programme .    Well done to the classes of  and Misses Miller, Long and  Connors. Super attention and concentration in the first class today!

We learned how to hold the violin in rest and play position .

*We  met three members of the bowed string family.  can you remember what they were  ( violin, C_ _ _ _  and  Viol_ ) ?

*We learned about low pitched and high pitch . What  is the lowest pitched string  on the violin. ?
We played pizzicato ( plucking the string on  lowest string G to a piece by Vivaldi )

We played pizz on D and A to a blues track 
*We learned the names of all four violin strings (see above)

*We practiced a bow . 


New words 

Pizzicato - Italian for to pluck string

piano -play softly 
forte- play loudly     

pitch -whether a note is high or low. 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Strings to Newtown

Announcing the commencement of a new education initiative for Newtown Junior School.

Next week all students in 3rd , 4th , 5th and 6th class are to start their adventure with strings.

Watch this space for updates!